Friday, July 8, 2011


Anyone else tired of hearing about Casey/Caley Anthony?  Well...I am.  She got away with it.  End of story.  She'll write a book...and get rich...because that's what the United States is all about.  And the sheeple will buy it...cause that's what sheeple do.

I'm tired of hearing about how illegal aliens are fucking up the U.S.  I haven't had cable t.v. and haven't watched the local media circus for more than six years because I don't get all agitated (as the media hopes) and it's depressing.  I don't want to hear about toddlers drowning their siblings or parents abusing their children.  (And here I am referring to actual abuse...not spanking/discipline.)  So...I don't watch.  And I sure as hell don't want to watch/read about ignorant racists talking about how much "better" society would be if all the illegals would just "go home" and stop screwing up the economy.  Um...last time I checked with the Mexican community...they pay their cash...(That's more than can be said for all the citizens filing bankruptcy and applying for welfare.)  Oh...and I am sick to death of hearing about illegals getting all these benefits and taking all our jobs.  

If these folks would do some research...they would find that you don't qualify for welfare benefits without a valid social security number.  And...when was the last time you saw a "hard-working" American (white boy) working out in the strawberry fields?  (Answer: You haven't.)  

Ok...I'm done ranting.'m not a dern Messican.  I'm as white as they come.  (If, for some reason, that matters.  And...I'm a conservative Republican...if, for some reason, that matters...)
Peace, love and chicken grease - 
