Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Twatocious kids and their piggly parents...

I am sick to fucking death of going out in public and seeing snot-nosed children (and teenagers) running rampant through the aisles.  (If my children - ages 7, 5 and 4 can hold doors open for people and know how to say 'yes, ma'am and yes, sir'......so can your twatty teenagers.)

What happened to manners?  What happened to values?  Of obedience and discipline? 

Remember discipline?  Remember when your parents grabbed you by your ear and threatened you within an inch of your life if you didn't knock off your bullshit?  I do.  I miss those days.  Those were the days when you could go in public and not be accosted or bumped into by germ-infested little rapscallions and their sweatpants-clad, 300 pound parents standing in the middle of aisle (effectively taking up the entire aisle so that you have to perform evasive manuevers around them in order to grab your much-needed jar of strawberry jam).  These same ilk of people are usually bellowing at their dirty, unkempt, rambunctious twatocious children to "knock it off" and then continue chatting nonchalantly (loudly) on their cell phone, which has apparently melded to their ear.  (And is it just me...or do their conversations usually have something to do with Nascar or general spousal/significant other bickering about which brand of Great Value peanut butter their food stamps cover?)

You know what else pisses me off?  Fat kids.  I'm not mad at the kids...I'm mad at their disgusting parents who feed them pounds of preservative-laden fast food and then park their devil-spawn in front of SpongeBob whilst they sit on the porch and drink a six pack and reminisce about "them good ole days" when children were "seen and not heard". 

It's been months since I've seen a child playing outdoors.  It makes me sad.  Times are changing...and not for the better. 

In closing...spank the shit out of your kids if they misbehave...turn off the boob tube and go outside and play for an hour...and quit eating so fucking much food.  (You don't need a 64 ounce soda...Jesus H. Christ...our stomachs are not that big!)

Video games, music and television are not the ails of society....twatty parenting is the cause.

Quit being twats.


P.S.  Dear Wal-Mart:  The next time I come shopping at your fine establishment and there are only two lanes open and 3,000 people waiting in line...I will find the manager and hand them over my cart and leave the store.  Price Chopper will gladly accept my $150 purchase of groceries.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Herman Cain...

Dear Libs and Dems:

I have two words for you:

Bill.  Clinton.


Laughing my fat ass off

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Check this out...

Face the power of the awesomeness of this blog:



Monday, August 15, 2011

National debt? Bah! Fuck it...let's get a million dollar bus!

Coming to a town near you...a little bittersweet "change"...flaunted for all to see.  That's right, folks!  National debt: be damned!  Energy crisis: be damned!  Unemployment rate:  Who cares? 

I know!  Let's rent a gargantuan tour bus...(with a million dollar pricetag) so that we can ride around the backwoods of Bumfuckville to lobby for votes!!! 

Um...coupla questions...no big deal, really...

Whose genius idea was it to rent/buy this behemoth and travel around the countryside begging for votes...votes for changes that never came?  (Or...changes towards Socialism...if anyone's actually paying attention to what's happening around them.)

I think it's a tad shady to be flaunting this type of lavish spending when the government is thinking of cutting unemployment benefits out and putting a stop to social welfare.  Perhaps these two tidbits of info go hand-in-hand?? 

It's funny...President Bush supposedly ruined our country in four years...yet these same naysayers claim that four years is not enough time for President Obama to fix the country.  Ummm...you can't have it both ways, people.  If four years is enough time to ruin it...then four years is plenty of time to fix it. 

Hope the President sleeps well tonight...in his $1,000,000 tour bus bed. 

Here's the original article I read regarding this: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/obama-bus-catches-buzz-233029764.html

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Justice...is served

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know My name is the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon thee."

Don't fuck with the United States....or this will happen:  http://news.yahoo.com/u-says-kills-taliban-shot-down-chopper-132509069.html

Monday, August 8, 2011


You know your life is in the shitter when your most-cherished fantasy involves tabulating the money in your bank account and wondering how many tanks of gas that will buy you.  (And how far you will get before someone realizes you're gone.)


Letter to cyclist (fuckhead)

Dear Asshole: 

I was going 65 miles per hour.  And you...you were pedaling at your own leisurely pace...in...the...lane.

I wish there was some way that you could realize how close you came to imminent death. 



Friday, July 8, 2011


Anyone else tired of hearing about Casey/Caley Anthony?  Well...I am.  She got away with it.  End of story.  She'll write a book...and get rich...because that's what the United States is all about.  And the sheeple will buy it...cause that's what sheeple do.

I'm tired of hearing about how illegal aliens are fucking up the U.S.  I haven't had cable t.v. and haven't watched the local media circus for more than six years because I don't get all agitated (as the media hopes) and it's depressing.  I don't want to hear about toddlers drowning their siblings or parents abusing their children.  (And here I am referring to actual abuse...not spanking/discipline.)  So...I don't watch.  And I sure as hell don't want to watch/read about ignorant racists talking about how much "better" society would be if all the illegals would just "go home" and stop screwing up the economy.  Um...last time I checked with the Mexican community...they pay their bills...in cash...(That's more than can be said for all the citizens filing bankruptcy and applying for welfare.)  Oh...and I am sick to death of hearing about illegals getting all these benefits and taking all our jobs.  

If these folks would do some research...they would find that you don't qualify for welfare benefits without a valid social security number.  And...when was the last time you saw a "hard-working" American (white boy) working out in the strawberry fields?  (Answer: You haven't.)  

Ok...I'm done ranting.  And...no...I'm not a dern Messican.  I'm as white as they come.  (If, for some reason, that matters.  And...I'm a conservative Republican...if, for some reason, that matters...)
Peace, love and chicken grease - 
